June 12, 2023

Does coconut water increase amniotic fluid?

iMumz Expert Panel
Coconut water is a wonderful drink for pregnancy. In the first trimester, if you are vomiting, this drink supplies all the five essential electrolytes: minerals, sodium, calcium, potassium, and phosphorus, which can soothe the body and provide energy.‍
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Updated on:
June 12, 2023

But, having too much of it is also not good since it has potassium that may increase your heart rate. Please have only fresh one from a coconut (not packaged) and not more than 2 per day.

Hormonal changes during pregnancy could lead to several issues such as heartburn, constipation, and indigestion. A considerable dietary fiber content in coconut water could help strengthen digestive health, regulate pH levels, maintain fluid balance, and prevent constipation.

Coconut water has considerable amounts of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals which boost your immunity, providing resistance from infections. It also contains lauric acid, a medium-chain fatty acid responsible for the production of a powerful antimicrobial compound monolaurin.

If you have been diagnosed with with lower amniotic fluid and the doctor says that you can increase it with home remedies, here are some ideas that work:

  1. Drinking 8-10 glasses of water per day.
  2. Having water-packed fruits and vegetables.
  3. Doctors also recommend that drinking  coconut water can increase amniotic fluid in the third trimester.

Myths about coconut water in pregnancy

Myth 1: Coconut water has the complete dietary requirements of a pregnant woman.

Truth: While it contains vital minerals and nutrients, drinking it alone won't fulfill all your requirements of baby and mother. Much needed are vegetables, fruits, and grains that represent all food groups.

Myth 2: Coconut water makes baby's hair long and strong.

Truth: Your baby's hair strength and texture are determined by genetics. There is no connection between consuming coconut water and hair growth in the baby.  

Myth 3: Coconut water causes acidity during pregnancy.

Truth: No, it's absolutely a myth.Acidity is caused by hormones and the growing uterus pushing other organs.

Myth 4: Coconut water makes the baby's skin fairer.

Truth: This is a complete myth - your baby’s skin colour is entirely inherited.

Myth 5: Drinking coconut water during pregnancy increases the baby's head size.

Truth: This myth does not hold good, as drinking coconut water does nothing to your baby's head size. There is no scientific evidence for it.

Myth 6: Coconut water is the best source of hydration during pregnancy.

Truth: It is really good but the best source is plain water. It's highly recommended that you drink at least 8-12 glasses of water every day to stay well-hydrated during pregnancy.

Coconut water is a safe and hydrating beverage choice for expecting mothers. It is full of nutrients, with a refreshing effect flavor.

Finally, regarding amniotic fluid, coconut water does have a good effect but your journey after diagnosis of low AF will be best determined by your doctor based on the reasons for it being low.

But, having too much of it is also not good since it has potassium that may increase your heart rate. Please have only fresh one from a coconut (not packaged) and not more than 2 per day.

Hormonal changes during pregnancy could lead to several issues such as heartburn, constipation, and indigestion. A considerable dietary fiber content in coconut water could help strengthen digestive health, regulate pH levels, maintain fluid balance, and prevent constipation.

Coconut water has considerable amounts of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals which boost your immunity, providing resistance from infections. It also contains lauric acid, a medium-chain fatty acid responsible for the production of a powerful antimicrobial compound monolaurin.

If you have been diagnosed with with lower amniotic fluid and the doctor says that you can increase it with home remedies, here are some ideas that work:

  1. Drinking 8-10 glasses of water per day.
  2. Having water-packed fruits and vegetables.
  3. Doctors also recommend that drinking  coconut water can increase amniotic fluid in the third trimester.

Myths about coconut water in pregnancy

Myth 1: Coconut water has the complete dietary requirements of a pregnant woman.

Truth: While it contains vital minerals and nutrients, drinking it alone won't fulfill all your requirements of baby and mother. Much needed are vegetables, fruits, and grains that represent all food groups.

Myth 2: Coconut water makes baby's hair long and strong.

Truth: Your baby's hair strength and texture are determined by genetics. There is no connection between consuming coconut water and hair growth in the baby.  

Myth 3: Coconut water causes acidity during pregnancy.

Truth: No, it's absolutely a myth.Acidity is caused by hormones and the growing uterus pushing other organs.

Myth 4: Coconut water makes the baby's skin fairer.

Truth: This is a complete myth - your baby’s skin colour is entirely inherited.

Myth 5: Drinking coconut water during pregnancy increases the baby's head size.

Truth: This myth does not hold good, as drinking coconut water does nothing to your baby's head size. There is no scientific evidence for it.

Myth 6: Coconut water is the best source of hydration during pregnancy.

Truth: It is really good but the best source is plain water. It's highly recommended that you drink at least 8-12 glasses of water every day to stay well-hydrated during pregnancy.

Coconut water is a safe and hydrating beverage choice for expecting mothers. It is full of nutrients, with a refreshing effect flavor.

Finally, regarding amniotic fluid, coconut water does have a good effect but your journey after diagnosis of low AF will be best determined by your doctor based on the reasons for it being low.

June 12, 2023

Does coconut water increase amniotic fluid?

iMumz Expert Panel.

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