Postnatal Care
Postnatal Care
June 12, 2023

Pregnancy Belt after Delivery

iMumz Expert Panel
According to ayurveda and research, postpartum belt helps to reduce the pain, support your organs and muscles as they go back into their original forms. Belt can also help with correct posture and blood circulation.
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iMumz Expert Panel
Updated on:
August 16, 2023

Pregnancy Belt after Delivery

According to Ayurveda and research, postpartum belt helps to reduce the pain, support your organs and muscles as they go back into their original forms. Belt can also help with correct posture and blood circulation.

After you deliver, a big weight that was pressing most organs in your abdomen has gone. Those organs suddenly now have space to move around. Some may be in awkward positions. Also, as the uterus slowly shrinks back to it's original size, there is cramping. Can belt tying help? Let’s find out.

Studies show that belts, also known as wraps or binders might help with pain and healing, especially after a Cesarean section. They are a good support abdomen as your organs and muscles move back into place after having a baby.

Finally, it is a myth that these belts are only for getting back into shape. They help in the recovery process.

What exactly is a postpartum belt?

Simply put, it is any kind of broad, soft but supports your midsection. Let’s look at the various varieties available:

Elastic wraps

This is made of soft, elastic fabric. While choosing one, you have to check if it is firm but also flexible. It shouldn’t restrict your movement. It should be wide enough to cover your entire abdomen till the hips.

Pregnancy belts

Various support belts are available in different sizes. While choosing one, make sure it's adjustable. It will support your hips and back and bring relief to sore muscles and stiff back.


Some women opt for shapewear for pregnancy and postpartum. It may not be ideal since the fabric could not non-breathable. It is also not practical for changing pads during your postpartum period. Perhaps, you can try this when the baby is 3 months old.

Saree tying or Veshtana Bandhana

An old cotton saree wrapped from the ribs to the hips is quite comfortable while remaining firm, too. The only issue here is that you need someone to tie it around you while a belt is something you can put by yourself.

15 benefits of wearing a pregnancy belt after delivery

  • It tucks in the hanging belly and so, your movement is more comfortable.
  • You get excellent back support. Remember how ligaments loosen during pregnancy and delivery? That causes backache. Belly tying reduces backache.
  • It helps to improve posture, especially during breastfeeding. Bad postures during breastfeeding can give upper and lower back pain
  • It may help to prevent gas formation
  • It is also believed that rightfully tying the stomach after delivery helps the organs that slightly shifted their position during pregnancy (due to the excessive pressure of the womb) to return to their correct positions.
  • It stimulated blood flow in the abdominal region.
  • If you have swelling after a c-section, it helps in reducing it.
  • It also reduces postpartum blood loss. In a study, it was found that patients who tied their bellies post-delivery had higher haemoglobin levels.
  • It is a boon for your spine. The only bone in your abdomen, the spine, has been curved for most past of the pregnancy because of the belly weight. Belly tying helps in stabilizing it.
  • It supports your pelvic muscles that have gone through a lot of strain.
  • The relaxed ligaments (under the influence of the hormone relaxin) need support too. This practice helps in their realignment to the pre-pregnancy state.
  • The muscle group running straight down your abdomen, (the abs), has been under stretch and stress. It can suffer from separation - a condition known as diastasis recti. Providing support for at least 8 to 10 hours a day will help keep the divided muscle together and help in better healing.
  • Binding can help in waist reduction as the soft and fleshy tissues are compressed and redistributed above and below the waistline. It prevents further expansion of the muscles.

When to start wearing a postpartum belt

Experts advise that you wear it from two to 12 weeks postpartum for the best possible results.

Precautions when using a postpartum pregnancy belt

Don’t keep it too tight:  the bind’s pressure on the abdomen translates to more pressure downwards on the pelvic area.

Belly binding should be accompanied by Kegels to restore pelvic muscle strength.

Clench your pelvic floor muscles and hold the pose for 10 seconds and then relax for 10 seconds. Do 5 repetitions in a set and do this exercise thrice a day.

Can one exercise while wearing a postpartum belt

Easy walks are good for you, and belt will help.

Can one breastfeed while wearing a postpartum belt?

Yes, it will keep your tummy tucked in, helping you hold the baby closer.

Can one wear postpartum belt while sleeping?

Wearing during the daytime is good enough.

Pregnancy Belt after Delivery

According to Ayurveda and research, postpartum belt helps to reduce the pain, support your organs and muscles as they go back into their original forms. Belt can also help with correct posture and blood circulation.

After you deliver, a big weight that was pressing most organs in your abdomen has gone. Those organs suddenly now have space to move around. Some may be in awkward positions. Also, as the uterus slowly shrinks back to it's original size, there is cramping. Can belt tying help? Let’s find out.

Studies show that belts, also known as wraps or binders might help with pain and healing, especially after a Cesarean section. They are a good support abdomen as your organs and muscles move back into place after having a baby.

Finally, it is a myth that these belts are only for getting back into shape. They help in the recovery process.

What exactly is a postpartum belt?

Simply put, it is any kind of broad, soft but supports your midsection. Let’s look at the various varieties available:

Elastic wraps

This is made of soft, elastic fabric. While choosing one, you have to check if it is firm but also flexible. It shouldn’t restrict your movement. It should be wide enough to cover your entire abdomen till the hips.

Pregnancy belts

Various support belts are available in different sizes. While choosing one, make sure it's adjustable. It will support your hips and back and bring relief to sore muscles and stiff back.


Some women opt for shapewear for pregnancy and postpartum. It may not be ideal since the fabric could not non-breathable. It is also not practical for changing pads during your postpartum period. Perhaps, you can try this when the baby is 3 months old.

Saree tying or Veshtana Bandhana

An old cotton saree wrapped from the ribs to the hips is quite comfortable while remaining firm, too. The only issue here is that you need someone to tie it around you while a belt is something you can put by yourself.

15 benefits of wearing a pregnancy belt after delivery

  • It tucks in the hanging belly and so, your movement is more comfortable.
  • You get excellent back support. Remember how ligaments loosen during pregnancy and delivery? That causes backache. Belly tying reduces backache.
  • It helps to improve posture, especially during breastfeeding. Bad postures during breastfeeding can give upper and lower back pain
  • It may help to prevent gas formation
  • It is also believed that rightfully tying the stomach after delivery helps the organs that slightly shifted their position during pregnancy (due to the excessive pressure of the womb) to return to their correct positions.
  • It stimulated blood flow in the abdominal region.
  • If you have swelling after a c-section, it helps in reducing it.
  • It also reduces postpartum blood loss. In a study, it was found that patients who tied their bellies post-delivery had higher haemoglobin levels.
  • It is a boon for your spine. The only bone in your abdomen, the spine, has been curved for most past of the pregnancy because of the belly weight. Belly tying helps in stabilizing it.
  • It supports your pelvic muscles that have gone through a lot of strain.
  • The relaxed ligaments (under the influence of the hormone relaxin) need support too. This practice helps in their realignment to the pre-pregnancy state.
  • The muscle group running straight down your abdomen, (the abs), has been under stretch and stress. It can suffer from separation - a condition known as diastasis recti. Providing support for at least 8 to 10 hours a day will help keep the divided muscle together and help in better healing.
  • Binding can help in waist reduction as the soft and fleshy tissues are compressed and redistributed above and below the waistline. It prevents further expansion of the muscles.

When to start wearing a postpartum belt

Experts advise that you wear it from two to 12 weeks postpartum for the best possible results.

Precautions when using a postpartum pregnancy belt

Don’t keep it too tight:  the bind’s pressure on the abdomen translates to more pressure downwards on the pelvic area.

Belly binding should be accompanied by Kegels to restore pelvic muscle strength.

Clench your pelvic floor muscles and hold the pose for 10 seconds and then relax for 10 seconds. Do 5 repetitions in a set and do this exercise thrice a day.

Can one exercise while wearing a postpartum belt

Easy walks are good for you, and belt will help.

Can one breastfeed while wearing a postpartum belt?

Yes, it will keep your tummy tucked in, helping you hold the baby closer.

Can one wear postpartum belt while sleeping?

Wearing during the daytime is good enough.

Postnatal Care
June 12, 2023

Pregnancy Belt after Delivery

iMumz Expert Panel

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