June 12, 2023

The First 7 Steps for a Newborn’s Feeding

iMumz Expert Panel
Here's the ultimate guide to feeding your newborn baby!
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iMumz Expert Panel
Updated on:
February 28, 2023

Start as early as possible

For this step, you will need the support of your family. If the hospital staff takes your baby to the nursery or has their own plans of feeding her glucose water, someone has to intervene and get the baby to you.  Babies are born ready to breastfeed—and in fact, they are very keen to suck during the first two hours after birth, with the sucking reflex at its most powerful about 30 to 60 minutes following delivery. 

Be patient with latching

You might be tired, in pain and that could affect how patient you are with the latching. Keep trying. If you get too fatigued and want to give up, take a break.

Get back to it as soon as it's possible

You need to practice. So, take a short break, rest and try again. You need daddy’s support even more now than perhaps during labour.

Say no to the nursery

It would be best if your baby stays in your room in the hospital. If they wish to keep him in the nursery, make sure your attendant gets him to you every 2 to 3 hours. 

Ban the bottle

Hospitals commonly have a policy of feeding the baby glucose water or formula when babies cry. Make sure you don’t allow it. It fills the baby’s tummy and reduces his urge to suck. And since an artificial nipple yields results with less effort, you may find your baby not willing to work hard at your nipples later. To make things worse, if baby’s not sucking at your nipples, your breasts won’t be stimulated to produce enough milk. 

Be very determined

In the first few days, aim for 8 to 12 feedings a day, even if you are not getting enough milk. It will give the baby comfort and the sucking will help your body work out the supply. Going longer than 2 to 3 hours between feeds, on the other hand, can increase engorgement for you and decrease supply for the baby. 

Know the hunger signs

The newborn shows signs of hunger by bringing her tiny hands to her mouth, rooting around for a nipple, or just being particularly alert. 

Crying is a late sign of hunger, so try not to wait until frantic crying begins to start feeding. But if crying has already begun, settle your little one down with some rocking and soothing before you start nursing. 

Or offer your finger to suck on until the baby calms down. 

Start as early as possible

For this step, you will need the support of your family. If the hospital staff takes your baby to the nursery or has their own plans of feeding her glucose water, someone has to intervene and get the baby to you.  Babies are born ready to breastfeed—and in fact, they are very keen to suck during the first two hours after birth, with the sucking reflex at its most powerful about 30 to 60 minutes following delivery. 

Be patient with latching

You might be tired, in pain and that could affect how patient you are with the latching. Keep trying. If you get too fatigued and want to give up, take a break.

Get back to it as soon as it's possible

You need to practice. So, take a short break, rest and try again. You need daddy’s support even more now than perhaps during labour.

Say no to the nursery

It would be best if your baby stays in your room in the hospital. If they wish to keep him in the nursery, make sure your attendant gets him to you every 2 to 3 hours. 

Ban the bottle

Hospitals commonly have a policy of feeding the baby glucose water or formula when babies cry. Make sure you don’t allow it. It fills the baby’s tummy and reduces his urge to suck. And since an artificial nipple yields results with less effort, you may find your baby not willing to work hard at your nipples later. To make things worse, if baby’s not sucking at your nipples, your breasts won’t be stimulated to produce enough milk. 

Be very determined

In the first few days, aim for 8 to 12 feedings a day, even if you are not getting enough milk. It will give the baby comfort and the sucking will help your body work out the supply. Going longer than 2 to 3 hours between feeds, on the other hand, can increase engorgement for you and decrease supply for the baby. 

Know the hunger signs

The newborn shows signs of hunger by bringing her tiny hands to her mouth, rooting around for a nipple, or just being particularly alert. 

Crying is a late sign of hunger, so try not to wait until frantic crying begins to start feeding. But if crying has already begun, settle your little one down with some rocking and soothing before you start nursing. 

Or offer your finger to suck on until the baby calms down. 

June 12, 2023

The First 7 Steps for a Newborn’s Feeding

iMumz Expert Panel

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