Placental encapsulation is the practice of ingesting the placenta after it has been steamed, dehydrated, ground, and placed into pills. The placenta is the organ that surrounds the foetus in the womb and allows for the exchange of nutrients, blood, and waste with the mother. The custom of consuming the placenta, often in a pill form via the process of placental encapsulation, is centuries old, practiced most often in Chinese medicine. It is a controversial tradition that has been gaining traction in the United States and United Kingdom for several decades.
Do animals eat their placenta?
Carnivorous animals like dogs and cats generally do, and so do omnivores like pigs. However if domestic dogs or cats have a large litter and eat a lot of placentas, they may vomit: It is thought that this may be due to the prostaglandins in the placenta. Horses never eat the placenta.Sheep and cattle sometimes do, and sometimes leave it out in the paddock. If they don't eat it. Some primatesand elephants also eat. It has also been mentioned that females perform placentophagia to avoid attracting predators’ attention due to the noxious substances released by the placenta
Is consumption of placenta by humans an old practice?
Some acoounts from China share how midwives would add it to a soup anf give it to the mother among the first reports in medical literature is one from 1973 that refers to an experience recounted in Rolling Stone involving a delivery on a commune where the placenta was steamed after delivery and then eaten by the mother.
Is consuming placenta beneficial?
Unfortunately, despite some women coming forward and sharing how it gave them energy and evened outmood swings, there is no scientific evidence to back it An agency.issued a warning aoundd placenta capsules due to a case in which a newborn developed group B streptococcus (group B strep) after the mother took placenta pills containing group B strep and breast-fed her newborn. The mother's breast milk was thought to be infected from group B strep bacteria that she acquired after eating her infected placenta. Group B strep can cause serious illness in newborns.
Are there any negative effects?
Some women reported negative effects, including:
- unpleasant taste and odour of the placenta or placenta capsules.
- increased vaginal bleeding.
- increased uterine contractions.
- digestive issues.
- increase in amount and intensity of hot flashes.
- increased anxiety.
So, should women give this shot?
Placentophagy can be harmful to you and your baby. If you're looking for ways to promote your health postpartum, talk to your doctor about proven alternatives.