June 12, 2023

Yoga for Expecting Moms: Asanas to Adopt & Avoid

iMumz Expert Panel
Pregnancy is a time of big changes, both in your body and your feelings. While exercising is good, it's important to know what exercises to avoid to keep you and your baby safe. Dr. Anita Chaudhary, who knows a lot about moms' health, is here to share some easy-to-understand tips for safe exercise during pregnancy
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iMumz Expert Panel
Updated on:
October 4, 2023

1. Skip High-Intensity Workouts

You might love intense workouts like running or doing tough sit-ups, but they're not safe when you're pregnant. Pregnancy hormones can make your joints wobbly, making you more likely to lose your balance or fall.

2. Try Gentle Stretching

Instead of intense workouts, try gentle stretching. It's good for staying flexible without pushing too hard.

3. Yoga is Great

Yoga is a wonderful choice for pregnant women. It relaxes your body, makes your joints more flexible, and helps your blood flow, which is good for both you and your baby. Just avoid some yoga poses where you lie on your tummy or do tricky moves.

4. Yoga Nidra Tip

If you do yoga nidra (relaxation) in your first trimester, it's okay to lie on your back. But after that, it's better to lie on your side, especially the left side. It helps blood flow to your baby.

5. Try Pranayamas

As your pregnancy goes on, think about doing pranayamas, which are simple breathing exercises. They're gentle and relaxing, without straining your body. Just avoid the ones where you breathe really fast or hard.

6. Don't Hold Your Breath

Don't do exercises or breathing where you have to hold your breath. Instead, breathe steadily to give plenty of oxygen to you and your baby.

7. Skip Heavy Weights

Lifting heavy weights might sound cool, but it's a big no-no during pregnancy. It puts too much pressure on your tummy, back, and fragile bones. Wait until after your baby is born to lift heavy things.

8. Be Careful with Aerobics

Aerobics classes can be fun, but they're not safe for pregnant women. They can make your heart race, give you heart palpitations, and make your blood sugar drop, which might make you feel dizzy. So, avoid aerobics while pregnant.

9. Rest and Eat Well

Remember, exercising during pregnancy should make you feel better, not worse. Make sure you rest enough, eat a balanced diet, and drink plenty of water. This helps you and your baby stay healthy.

10. Talk to Your Doctor

Before you start or keep doing any exercises during pregnancy, talk to your doctor. They can give you personalized advice based on your situation.

To sum it up, exercise is good for a healthy pregnancy, but it's just as important to know what not to do. By following these simple tips and listening to your body, you can have a safe and happy pregnancy for both you and your baby. Your health is the most important thing to focus on.

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1. Skip High-Intensity Workouts

You might love intense workouts like running or doing tough sit-ups, but they're not safe when you're pregnant. Pregnancy hormones can make your joints wobbly, making you more likely to lose your balance or fall.

2. Try Gentle Stretching

Instead of intense workouts, try gentle stretching. It's good for staying flexible without pushing too hard.

3. Yoga is Great

Yoga is a wonderful choice for pregnant women. It relaxes your body, makes your joints more flexible, and helps your blood flow, which is good for both you and your baby. Just avoid some yoga poses where you lie on your tummy or do tricky moves.

4. Yoga Nidra Tip

If you do yoga nidra (relaxation) in your first trimester, it's okay to lie on your back. But after that, it's better to lie on your side, especially the left side. It helps blood flow to your baby.

5. Try Pranayamas

As your pregnancy goes on, think about doing pranayamas, which are simple breathing exercises. They're gentle and relaxing, without straining your body. Just avoid the ones where you breathe really fast or hard.

6. Don't Hold Your Breath

Don't do exercises or breathing where you have to hold your breath. Instead, breathe steadily to give plenty of oxygen to you and your baby.

7. Skip Heavy Weights

Lifting heavy weights might sound cool, but it's a big no-no during pregnancy. It puts too much pressure on your tummy, back, and fragile bones. Wait until after your baby is born to lift heavy things.

8. Be Careful with Aerobics

Aerobics classes can be fun, but they're not safe for pregnant women. They can make your heart race, give you heart palpitations, and make your blood sugar drop, which might make you feel dizzy. So, avoid aerobics while pregnant.

9. Rest and Eat Well

Remember, exercising during pregnancy should make you feel better, not worse. Make sure you rest enough, eat a balanced diet, and drink plenty of water. This helps you and your baby stay healthy.

10. Talk to Your Doctor

Before you start or keep doing any exercises during pregnancy, talk to your doctor. They can give you personalized advice based on your situation.

To sum it up, exercise is good for a healthy pregnancy, but it's just as important to know what not to do. By following these simple tips and listening to your body, you can have a safe and happy pregnancy for both you and your baby. Your health is the most important thing to focus on.

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June 12, 2023

Yoga for Expecting Moms: Asanas to Adopt & Avoid


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