Baby Care
Baby Care
June 12, 2023

Your Child's Good Health Begins During Pregnancy

iMumz Expert Panel
Your 9 months of pregnancy shape your babies abilities. Learn to take care of your physical and mental health, and also your child's well-being right from the time they are in your womb.
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iMumz Expert Panel
Updated on:
February 28, 2023

iMumz, is a brainchild of 4 people from diverse fields coming together and establishing prenatal health for mothers and child to be. 2 sharp minds from IIT, an expert Gynac who has helped give birth to 10,000 children, and a life-coach who has taught meditation to hundreds of thousands.

We at iMumz want you to know that you are not alone, as pregnancy can be quite a puzzling time and struggling to get the right correct information. We follow the latest scientific methods and also understand from different researchers that prenatal time is where good health, sharpened mind, peace can be inculcated in the child.

Your womb is the first classroom for your baby.

One of the great researchers, Dr David Barker whose research started being called as the Barker hypothesis, implicates the fetal environment is a significant determinant of risk for major chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, stroke, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, and obesity later in life for the child. Barker stressed that the important factors that “program adult diseases” during fetal life are often of a non‐genetic nature; in his view mainly related to nutrition, exercise and stress.

Many Doctors from across the globe also package exercise, food habits and relaxation during pregnancy as science says

The 9 months of pregnancy are the times when the most important functions of a baby can be shaped.

With all this research from all around the world we invented a program which can be taken each day for 40 weeks for pregnant mothers to sharpen their lifestyle, week by week diet chart (a little cheating also we added), and to communicate with their unborn babies which is today recommended by more than 300 doctors. We cover things to do, and things not to do during you pregnancy times.

These blog posts will take you on the beautiful journey of pregnancy week by week, day by day, since we know, every child is precious.

iMumz, is a brainchild of 4 people from diverse fields coming together and establishing prenatal health for mothers and child to be. 2 sharp minds from IIT, an expert Gynac who has helped give birth to 10,000 children, and a life-coach who has taught meditation to hundreds of thousands.

We at iMumz want you to know that you are not alone, as pregnancy can be quite a puzzling time and struggling to get the right correct information. We follow the latest scientific methods and also understand from different researchers that prenatal time is where good health, sharpened mind, peace can be inculcated in the child.

Your womb is the first classroom for your baby.

One of the great researchers, Dr David Barker whose research started being called as the Barker hypothesis, implicates the fetal environment is a significant determinant of risk for major chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, stroke, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, and obesity later in life for the child. Barker stressed that the important factors that “program adult diseases” during fetal life are often of a non‐genetic nature; in his view mainly related to nutrition, exercise and stress.

Many Doctors from across the globe also package exercise, food habits and relaxation during pregnancy as science says

The 9 months of pregnancy are the times when the most important functions of a baby can be shaped.

With all this research from all around the world we invented a program which can be taken each day for 40 weeks for pregnant mothers to sharpen their lifestyle, week by week diet chart (a little cheating also we added), and to communicate with their unborn babies which is today recommended by more than 300 doctors. We cover things to do, and things not to do during you pregnancy times.

These blog posts will take you on the beautiful journey of pregnancy week by week, day by day, since we know, every child is precious.

Baby Care
June 12, 2023

Your Child's Good Health Begins During Pregnancy

iMumz Expert Panel

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