It will soon be the middle of the third trimester- sure, a milestone! By this week, your baby has reached the length he'll measure at birth, but he's still busy putting on about half a pound a week. Continue counting the kicks, mum, as you cope with shortness of breath! Don't worry if you're feeling forgetful. You've got a lot on your mind. Stress and fatigue can interfere with your ability to concentrate. Try not to lift heavy weights. If really needed, bend at your knees to lift and keep the weight close to your body. Your bigger belly has made you unstable and any sudden movement could cause a sudden rush of blood to your head could making you dizzy.

Garbha Vriddhi
अष्टमेऽस्थिरीभवत्योजः । (सुश्रुत शारीरस्थान )
Ayurveda says that currently, there is instability of oja. The baby needs to stay in the womb because it is still devoid of oja.
Your Baby's Development
At around Week 28, a weak sucking reflex had begun. By now, there is a good coordination of sucking and swallowing. A new reflex called ‘rooting reflex’ is taking shape. This is when the baby turns his head and opens mouth when his cheek is touched. This is to get ready for breastfeeding. He can smell too, but right now, there isn’t air in the amniotic fluid to test that sense out.
Skin smoothing
Your baby is rapidly losing that wrinkled look and her skin is less red and transparent. It's becoming soft and smooth as she plumps up in preparation for birth.
Bones still soft
Your baby's brain and nervous system are now fully developed. All bones are now fully developed, but still a bit soft and malleable, especially the plates in their skull. These bones need to remain so in order to make the passage through the narrow birth canal easier. Some spots on the skull will continue to remain soft in the first year. These areas, called fontanelles, are normal gaps that allow room for the baby’s brain to continue developing.
Baby is drinking
Your baby drinks up to half a litre of amniotic fluid a day! This helps prepare your baby’s gastrointestinal system for life in the new world, soon.
Weight gain
Eat well, mum, since the baby needs to gain weight. He will almost double his weight by the time he's born. The iMumz diet plans will help you give the baby good calories.
Your Pregnancy Symptoms
Wrist pain
Fingers, wrists, and hands may get numb. Just like other tissues are retaining fluid, your wrists are doing, too. It is creating pressure in the carpal tunnel, a bony canal in your wrist.
Feeling hot
You may prefer airy, cooler spaces since your metabolic rate is high. Headaches can also reappear. So, please drink lots of water.
Shortness of Breath
Pregnancy and hormones cause changes in your entire body—including your respiratory system. In Week 33, the growing uterus has been pushing the lungs into a corner, causing this. About 62% of pregnant people report dyspnea or shortness of breath.
Rib Pain
The pressure of the uterus and the baby’s kicks may be making your ribs sore. The lucky ones escape with just some aches while some may get a painful swelling of the cartilage in the chest wall called costochondritis.
iMumz Wellness Tip
Managing Rib pain
Add a pinch of sendha namak (rock salt) in warm til taila (sesame oil) and apply this oil on the chest and back with gentle pressure in circular motion followed by a hot water shower.
A hot water bag gentle press will also help to reduce some pain.
Managing chest burn
- Add fresh homemade buttermilk after lunch.
- Eat a piece of jaggery after lunch.
- Use water stored in a mud pot as it has a cooling effect on the body and reduces the hot quality.
- Cut down green chilies completely for a few days.
- Avoid spicy and oily food.
- Do not pack your tummy fully at mealtime. Have small portions.
- Avoid over eating.
- Do not lie down immediately after eating.
- Take small walks after main meals for 10 minutes.
Your Pregnancy check-ups
Check the baby's position
Near the end of pregnancy, your doctor might check to see if your baby is positioned headfirst in the uterus.
If your baby is positioned rump-first (frank breech) or feet-first (complete breech) after week 36 of pregnancy, it's unlikely that the baby will move to a headfirst position before labor. You might be able to have an external cephalic version. During this procedure, your health care provider will apply pressure to your abdomen and physically manipulate your baby to a headfirst position.
This is typically done with ultrasound guidance by an experienced doctor. If you prefer not to have this procedure, or if your baby remains in a breech position, your doctor provider will discuss planning a C-section delivery.
What should you eat in this week of pregnancy?
Your baby is piling on weight to get ready for birth and you can help her by eating healthy fats. Healthy fats include monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, which are found in nuts, avocados, plant-based oils (including sunflower, corn, soybean and olive oil).
Peanut-Almond Butter and Banana Chips
Two tbsp of Peanut butter has 16 grams of healthy fat. Almonds and cashews are similar.
- Roast half cup each of peanuts and cashew nuta.Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F and line a baking sheet with a silicone baking mat or parchment paper. Spread nuts into an even layer and bake for 8-10 minutes, until golden brown and fragrant. Remove from the oven and allow to cool slightly.Starting on the lowest setting and gradually increasing in speed and power, blend the nuts. They should go from nuts, to a crumble, to a flour, to a sticky mixture, to a butter in less than 2 minutes.Stop the machine for temporary pauses as needed if it gets overheated. The nut butter is done when it runs freely through the blades without any nut-clumps.Transfer nut butter to an airtight container and store in the fridge for several weeks.Eat with banana chips for dipping.